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What is Eco Racing ?
Eco Racing is an innovative product finding that is useful in the form of tablets containing substances that have the function of protecting your vehicle's engine, increasing the Octan value (Research Octan Number) of vehicle engine fuel, saving fuel (BBM) use and eliminating CO pollution by up to 0%. Eco Racing is capable of being a full booster, which is an active additive based on organic originals that helps increase an octane or cetane from fuel. 

Benefits of Eco Racing as a Vehicle Fuel Saver
The higher fuel prices make someone especially those who have high mobility overwhelmed. Especially if the vehicle you own is an old version of the car which in fact wastes fuel. As a solution to save fuel, now there is Eco Racing that you can choose. This brand of fuel saver is very safe to use even for a long time. In fact, it not only saves fuel but can improve engine performance to be more resilient. This product makes the combustion of fuel in the engine can occur perfectly.

What are the Benefits of Eco Racing?
There are several benefits of Eco Racing as a mainstay product, including the following:

1. Can make vehicles fuel efficient up to 50%
2. Can make the engine sound smooth
3. Can make the machine durable so that its feasibility lasts a long time
4. Can reduce carbon dioxide emissions
5. Can make engine combustion more optimal
6. Can help reduce air pollution
7. Can increase RON and MON
8. Can overcome knocking on the machine
9. Can prevent rust on the engine, gasoline hose and carburetor.  
There are many advantages or benefits of Eco Racing that have been mentioned above. Next, you must be wondering about the weaknesses of this product, right? to date, there are no weaknesses Eco Racing. Because, this product is actually good when used in long-term use. This fuel saver will help the engine performance become better so that its feasibility is even more durable. 

Is Eco Racing Safe?

Obviously, Eco Racing products are very safe to use. This is proven by several laboratory tests. Here's the list:

Lemigas 050/PK/8.1/IX/2013
Petrolab 00564/F/13
Emissions Test Eliminates 100% CO
Dyno Test Power & Torque Test

How to use Eco Racing
You are still confused about how to use Eco Racing Fuel Saver Products? Don't worry, it's very easy. You just put one Eco Racing tablet in the gas tank. When you finish refueling at POM Gasoline, immediately put 1 tablet in the fuel tank of your vehicle. Later, Eco Racing will make vehicle fuel consumption more efficient.

So what about the dosage? For 1 tablet Eco Racing can be used for 4 liters of gasoline. While 1 Eco Racing sachet can be used for 20 liters of fuel. Sachet packaging cannot be used for motorcycles, but only for cars.

There are still many questions from Eco Racing users. The use of this fuel-saving product already has a dosage rule. Then, what if it turns out to be over dosed in using it? Is it dangerous? The answer is that it is harmless. However, the effects provided by Eco Racing are only one-time use. So, when you use 2 Eco Racing tablets in the gas tank, the function will be the same when using 1 tablet. After the gasoline runs out, then the next filling you also have to enter Eco Racing again to save fuel. 

$ 50.00/ box

Minimum order : 100 boxes
Product Weight : 0.10 Kg

To buy the products or join PT BEST, please contact : Haris Fadhilah Syarif / WA : +62822 2774 0745

ECO FARMING Super Active Organic Fertilizer is the result of agricultural research of more than 8 years that has been tested and proven that

ECO FARMING is able to restore soil fertility, making plants healthy and productive, and environmentally friendly.

Formula ECO FARMING has completed nutritional needs of plants and positive bacteria (decomposers) for Soil Fertility Restoration so that it meets the ideal Argo ecosystem requirements

SOIL or LAND has physical properties (structure and texture), chemical properties
(Cation Exchange Capacity / CEC and acidity / pH), biological properties (organic
matter, positive bacteria as decomposers), etc.

PLANT needs complete nutrition of 13 nutrients consisting of Primary Macro (N, P
& K), Secondary Macro (S, Ca and Mg), Micro (Cl, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, B and Mo) etc.

WATER (Quality and mineral content), AIR (Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen),
Climate, Weather, growing environment, etc.


Eco Farming is a fertilizer or nutrient made from super active organic enriched with macro nutrients, micro, organic acids that stimulate nitrification, growth hormone, to active microbes. These microbes are non-pathogenic microorganisms (microbes that do not cause disease) so they do not damage the original content of the soil. The entire content of eco farming products is substituted with non-pathogenic bacteria so that the bacteria can last longer. In addition, Eco Farming products are 100% extraction of pure organic materials processed with high-technology environmentally friendly(zero emition concept).

Eco Farming organic fertilizers are produced through the Biological Complex Process (BPC), which is a complex biological process involving thousands of different compounds combined by chemical reactions. This process is similar to the metabolic process in the human body.

So, how can eco farming be maximal? In general, the fermentation process in soil involves many things other than organic materials. Fermenter microbes (N, P, and decomposer binders) will carry out the fermentation process along with materials that have gone through the sorting,catalyst, sterilization, and neutralization stages of heavy metals and coupled with Eco Farming organic fertilizers so as to improve the chemical, physical, and biological properties of the soil as well as the formation of granulation (healing of plant tissue wounds).

With this process, the continued use of Eco Farming will provide the main benefits, namely :
  • Improving soil fertility.
  • Dissolves and provides phospat.
  • Produces several growth enzymes from select microbes in Eco Farming.
  • Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 25% in the early stages.
  • Controlling and preventing pathogenic attacks on plants.
  • Accelerate fruit ripening and plant growth.
  • Maintain plant health, aid growth and help plants produce quality production products stimulantally.
  • Increase the quantity of crop production.
  • Breaking down toxic compounds for plants slowly.
  • Safe for the environment and living things.

HABSPRO adalah suplemen herbal berbentuk kapsul yang memiliki kandungan utama Habbatussauda, Bee Polen dan Propolis. Kombinasi bahan-bahan tersebut mampu meningkatkan stamina dan memberikan banyak manfaat untuk tubuh.

Manfaat :
1. Sumber gizi terlengkap & baik untuk tulang.
2. Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
3. Meremajakan sel-sel kulit.
4. Meningkatkan stamina pria dewasa.
5. Menangkal radikal bebas.
6. Pereda anti-radang yang efektif.
7. Sebagai anti-bakteri, anti jamur dan anti-virus.
8. Mengatasi gangguan tidur dan stress.
9. Dapat menghambat perkembangan kanker.
10. Meredakan asma dan alergi.

Aturan Konsumsi :
Baik diminum 2 x 2 kapsul per hari, diminum 30 menit 
sebelum makan.

Isi Dalam Kemasan :
1 botol isi 50 kapsul @500 mg.

BPOM RI TR 192323181

ECO VICO is an herbal capsule made from refined coconut oil which contains lauric acid which is anti-bacterial and anti-viral, processed with advanced and modern technology to keep the essential compounds in it intact so as to produce oil with low water content and free fatty acid content, clear color, fragrant and has a shelf life of more than 12 months.

Benefit :
1. Lower cholesterol & increase stamina.
2. Promote blood circulation.
3. Prevent heart disease and stroke.
4. Ward off bacteria & viruses.
5. Good for healthy skin and hair fertility.
6. Prevent senile dementia and alzheimer's and epilepsy.
7. Improve bone and dental health.
8. Improve digestive health.

Dosage :
Good to drink 2 x 2 capsules per day, taken 30 minutes
before eating.

Package Contents:
1 bottle contains 100 capsules @ 450 mg.

BPOM RI TR 203379281

Ecomaxx Coffee adalah minuman serbuk kopi dengan MTG (Maca, Tribulus & Ginseng) untuk meningkatkan stamina, hormon, kesuburan, keperkasaan & kesehatan pria maupun wanita.
MTG bagi wanita juga sangat baik untuk mencegah penuaan dini, mencegah kanker payudara, pembentuk kolagen yang dapat mengurangi flek hitam di wajah, mencegah menopouse, meningkatkan produksi ASI dan 
mengatasi migrain & nyeri haid.

Manfaat :
1. Meningkatkan libido pada laki-laki dan perempuan.
2. Meningkatkan kesuburan bagi pria.
3. Membantu mengurangi gejala menopouse.
4. Memperbaiki mood atau suasana hati.
5. Meningkatkan performa stamina dan tahan lama.
6. Rutin dikonsumsi dapat memperbesar alat vitalitas.
7. Meningkatkan fungsi otak dan daya ingat.
8. Menurunkan resiko penyakit prostat.

Aturan Konsumsi :
Baik diminum 1 gelas per hari.

Isi Dalam Kemasan :
1 box isi 10 sachet @25 g.

PIRT 513351559074623

LVN COLLAGENIA is a strawberry flavored powder drink with Collagen, Glysin, L-Glutathione & Sugar Cane Extract, providing anti-oxidant and detoxification effects, stimulating the regeneration of new cells so as to make the skin brighter, supple, youthful and healthy.

Also enriched with Premix Vitamins, Calcium, Minerals, fruit extracts, and rich in natural fiber as nutrients that are good for the body.

Benefit :
1. Master anti-oxidant.
2. Ward off free radicals.
3. Reduce black spots.
4. Smooth facial skin.
5. Prevent wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.
6. Reduces scars on the skin.

How to serve :
Good to drink 1 to 2 glasses per day, drink during the day and at night before going to bed.

Package Contents:
1 box contains 10 sachets @ 20 g.

BPOM RI MD 867013273071

LVN XLIM Powder drink is rich in high dietary fiber, it absorbs water and gives a feeling of fullness for longer. Contains Spirulina & Chitosan to ward off bad cholesterol and enriched with fat-burning Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Premix Vitamins, Calcium, Minerals and fruit extracts, which are good for health.

Benefit :
1. Burn fat.
2. Launch the body's digestive system.
3. Control high blood pressure & cholesterol.
4. Lose weight & prevent obesity.

Dosage :
Good to drink 1 to 2 glasses per day, drink at night
day in lieu of dinner.

Package Contents:
1 box contains 10 sachets @ 15 g.

BPOM RI MD 867013121071

LVN CALCIUM is a soy powder drink enriched with Lysine & Temulawak to increase children's appetite and immune system. Enriched with Royal Jelly which contains anti-oxidants and improves mental development and reproductive organs. Enriched with Omega 3, 6, 9 which is very good for the growth and intelligence of children and prevents brain damage in the elderly that causes senile dementia.

Benefit :
1. Good for the development of brain cells.
2. Very good for the growth of bones and teeth.
3. Increase appetite in children.
4. Source of vegetable protein & fat.
5. Improve brain function and mental development.
6. Increase endurance.
7. Formation of hormones and collagen.
8. Smooth digestion & prevent constipation.

Good to drink 1 to 2 glasses per day, for children at least 2 years old.

Package Contents:
1 box contains 10 sachets @ 15 g.

BPOM RI MD 832013267071

EVITGO 1OO adalah minuman serbuk susu kambing dengan 90% kandungan susu kambing bubuk yang baik untuk kesehatan di antaranya mencegah beberapa macam penyakit dan menjaga tubuh tetap sehat.

Manfaat :
1. Mencegah penyakit maag.
2. Memperbaiki sistem pencernaan.
3. Menurunkan panas demam.
4. Mencegah penyakit jantung.
5. Menurunkan darah tinggi.
6. Meredakan nyeri sendi.
7. Mencegah penyakit syaraf.

Aturan Konsumsi :
Baik diminum 1 sampai 2 gelas perhari.

Isi Dalam Kemasan :
1 box isi 10 sachet @20 g.

BPOM RI MD 805010001402

LVN Lipcream terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami dengan banyak pilihan warna yang terdiri dari 17 varian Lip Matte dan 3 varian Lip Cheek, sehingga memudahkan kamu menemukan warna favoritmu dan mudah dikreasikan.

Keunggulan :
1. Terlihat natural.
2. Tidak mudah luntur.
3. Tidak kering di bibir.
4. Tidak mudah pecah.
5. Mengandung kolagen.
6. Teksturnya ringan.
7. Tahan lama.
8. Bersertifikat halal.

Isi Dalam Kemasan :
1 box isi 1 lipcream 5 ml.


LVN Serum di formulasikan spesial dengan kombinasi kandungan Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E dan Collagen, untuk membantu menutrisi, dan menyamarkan tanda-tanda penuaan dini pada kulit, seperti keriput, kulit kusam dan kering, flek hitam.

Manfaat :
1. Menjaga kekenyalan dan kekencangan kulit wajah.
2. Mencerahkan kulit wajah.
3. Mengurangi flek-flek hitam pada wajah.
4. Melawan tanda-tanda penuaan dini.
5. Meremajakan kulit.
6. Memperbaiki warna & tekstur kulit.
7. Menjaga kelembaban kulit.

Cara pakai :
Tuangkan 2-3 pump LVN Serum ke telapak tangan lalu 
ratakan ke seluruh kulit wajah dengan cara di tepuk-tepuk hingga serum menyerap.

Isi Dalam Kemasan :
1 box isi 1 botol 30 ml

BPOM NA 18181900593


LVN Day Cream mengandung SPF 25 yang cukup untuk melindungi kulit dari terpaan sinar matahari. 

LVN Night Cream merupakan cream malam kaya akan bahan aktif, yang mampu menutrisi kulit sampai kulit terdalam.

Manfaat Day Cream :
1. Mencerahkan kulit wajah secara intensif.
2. Melembabkan kulit wajah.
3. Melindungi kulit dari sinar matahari langsung.
4. Menangkal radikal bebas dari kulit wajah.
5. Memudarkan bekas jerawat.

Manfaat Night Cream :
1. Mencerahkan kulit wajah.
2. Mencegah penuaan dini.
3. Menangkal radikal bebas dari kulit wajah.
4. Meredakan peradangan kulit.
5. Mencegah serta menghilangkan jerawat dan bekasnya.

Cara pakai :
Ambil krim secukupnya dengan ujung jari lalu ratakan ke 
seluruh wajah dengan cara diusap hingga merata dari sisi 
luar kedalam jangan lewatkan bagian leher.

Isi Dalam Kemasan :
1 box isi 1 jar 30 g.

BPOM NA 18180103302 
BPOM NA 18200101880


LVN Skincare Cleansing Oil adalah pembersih wajah berbasis minyak yang memiliki kandungan antioksidan, anti-inflamasi, dan vitamin yang baik untuk menutrisi sekaligus membersihkan kulit wajah Anda.

Manfaat :
1. Mampu menghapus lebih cepat dan mudah.
2. Mampu menghilangkan kulit mati, polutan, dan riasan di 
3. Kulit menjadi lebih kenyal dan halus.
4. Bisa membersihkan makeup waterproof.
5. Dapat mengangkat kelebihan sebum yang diproduksi 
oleh kelenjar di kulit.
6. Membersihkan pori-pori yang tersumbat seperti komedo.

Cara pakai :
Tuangkan 2-3 pump LVN Cleansing Oil ke telapak tangan
lalu ratakan ke seluruh wajah dan gosokkan dengan 
gerakan melingkar secara lembut hingga kotoran terangkat, 
kemudian hapus kotoran dengan menggunakan kapas 
lembut atau bilas dengan air bersih.

Isi Dalam Kemasan :
1 box isi 1 botol 60 ml.

BPOM NA 1818204677


LVN Peeling Lotion merupakan soft exfoliator, diformulasikan khusus dengan kombinasi kandungan bentonite, glycolic acid, dan vitamin E, yang kaya akan antioksidan. Tidak hanya membersihkan kulit wajah dan mengangkat sel kulit mati, tapi LVN Peeling Lotion juga menutrisi dan merawat kelembutan kulit, sekaligus mencerahkan dan meremajakan kembali kulit Anda.

Manfaat :
1. Mampu mengangkat sel sel kulit mati.
2. Mengahaluskan permukaan kulit.
3. Menyerap kotoran dan sebum dari permukaan kulit.
4. Memperbaiki warna & tekstur kulit wajah.
5. Mengurangi flek-flek hitam pada wajah.
6. Melawan tanda-tanda penuaan dini.
7. Menangkal radikal bebas.

Cara pakai :
Tuangkan 2-3 pump LVN Peeling Lotion ke telapak tangan 
lalu ratakan ke seluruh wajah anda, tunggu 30 detik hingga setengah mengering lalu gosokkan dengan gerakan 
melingkar melawan arah jarum jam hingga kotoran 
terangkat kemudian bilas dengan air bersih.

Isi Dalam Kemasan :
1 box isi 1 botol 20 ml.

BPOM NA 18181201236


Soap with honey content which is very good for maintaining skin moisture and removing dead skin cells. Also equipped with Glutathione which is useful to help ward off free radicals that cause skin damage.
BPOM NA 18200500071

Soap with Collagen content is very good to help reduce signs of premature aging such as wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. Also equipped with Glutathione which is useful to help ward off free radicals that cause skin damage.
BPOM NA 18200500073

Soap containing Propolis has a powerful antiseptic effect to relieve acne inflammation or skin irritation and regenerate skin layers damaged by acne. Also equipped with Glutathione which
useful to help ward off free radicals that cause skin damage.
BPOM NA 18200500072

Package Contents:
1 box contains 1 soap 100 g

To buy the products or join PT BEST, please contact : Haris Fadhilah Syarif / WA : 0822 2774 0745


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